Supporting fishers and their families since 2018
Forward-thinking and family-focused, we're proud of our history and the work that has been done to make the Limestone Coast Fishermen's Co-operative what is it today.

The LCFC’s ‘Formation Meeting’ was convened in Mount Gambier and Chaired by Rodger Long, with the following 16 fishermen committing themselves to be the first Members (and owners) of the LCFC:
Mark Fabris
Rodger Long
Richard Cassidy
Shannon Moran
Craig Reilly
Chris Sealey
Paul Regnier
Gregory Von Stanke
Ben Wilson
Bill Pegler
Sam Gardner
Bruce Perryman
Gordon Lewis
Tim Chapman
Kim Skeer
Jack Perkins
At the same Formation Meeting, the LCFC’s inaugural Board Directors were nominated and appointed as:
Mark Fabris
Rodger Long
Richard Cassidy
Shannon Moran
Craig Reilly
Chris Sealey
Rodger Long was subsequently appointed as LCFC’s inaugural Chairman at the LCFC’s first formal Board Meeting held on Tuesday 25 September 2018, in Beachport.
Peter Gordon was appointed as an Independent LCFC Board Director on 8 February 2019, with expertise in accounting and dryland farming.
Frank Brennan was appointed as the LCFC’s second Independent Board Director on 20 November 2018, with expertise in local Government, town planning, governance and farming.
At the LCFC’s 2023 AGM on 30 November 2023, Shannon Moran and Craig (Slim) Reilly retired as Directors of the LCFC, and Members Kim Skeer and Paul Regnier were appointed in their place.
Formation Meeting Convened

An interested and motivated group of like-minded, forward-thinking fishermen, and family members, formalised themselves into a ‘Steering Committee’, and made approaches to the Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-operative (GFC) in Western Australia to learn more about their business and the Co-operative model.
The GFC went on to play a critical role in the establishment of the LCFC through their generous provision of advice, support, equipment and business expertise across a range of areas over the coming few years, including a commercial sales and marketing arrangement.
Meetings were also convened with fishermen in the Limestone Coast Region to share the concept and gauge levels of interest in establishing such a business to work in the interests of small family-owned fishing businesses.
Steering Committee Established
A smaller, more focussed, ‘Lead Team’ was established and, backed by the support of the broader Steering Committee (including financially), a number of external consultants were engaged to assist with progressing the establishment of what was to become the Limestone Coast Fishermen’s Co-operative Limited (LCFC).
A Unit Trust made up of 10 supportive investors was formed to purchase the first live Lobster holding facility at 39-43 Meylin Street, Port MacDonnell SA 5291 on behalf of the LCFC.
After leasing the facility for a number of years from the Unit Trust, the LCFC purchased the facility from the Unit Trust in September 2021.
Lead Team Established
The LCFC receives its first catch, from Chairman Rodger Long’s vessel, Sea Boy III, following the commencement of the 2019-20 South Australian Southern Zone Southern Rock Lobster Fishing Season on 1 October 2019 (season finishing on 31 May 2020).
LCFC’s new General Manager, Euan MacDougall, joins the LCFC’s team from New Zealand bringing with him a wealth of knowledge and experience. Euan will be a key part of the LCFC’s success over the coming years.
During the 2019-20 season, the LCFC’s total intake of Southern Rock Lobster was approximately 140 tonnes, with Membership growing from the original 16 to 24 Members.
First Catch
An informal agreement was reached with the owners of the old Beachport trawl factory (Slim & Mandie Reilly - LCFC Members) at 3 Beach Road, Beachport, for the LCFC to gain access to that facility in order to renovate and fit-out the building as the LCFC’s second live Lobster holding facility, with the formal lease to commence once the LCFC commenced operating at the site.
Beachport Access Granted

A complete refit and renovation was undertaken on the LCFC’s Port MacDonnell factory site, with an absolute majority of the work being carried out by LCFC Members and staff, with LCFC Board Directors leading and coordinating the process. The countless hours and hard work contributed by those involved is testament to the spirit underpinning the business.
Port MacDonnell refit & renovation
The LCFC was officially registered by the South Australian Commissioner of Corporate Affairs as a Co-operative, having taken effect from 16 August 2018 under the Co-operatives National Law (South Australia) Act 2013.
LCFC Officially Registered
The first official LCFC Board Meeting is convened in Beachport.
First Official Board Meeting
The formal agreement between the GFC and the LCFC providing for International Marketing and Sales services is signed and activated.
Formal Agreement with GFC
The LCFC opens its retail shopfront, The Lobster Pot - annexed the factory in Beachport. The Lobster Pot receives great feedback from the public, locals and tourists alike, selling a range of fresh Rock Lobster products, plus other fresh [local] seafood, together with LCFC merchandise.
The Lobster Pot serves as a positive connection between the LCFC business, and the entire Rock Lobster industry, and the local community and visiting tourists. The Lobster Pot continues to operate between October and May each year.
The LCFC and The Lobster Pot continue to sponsor a range of community events and organisations / clubs throughout the Limestone Coast Region.
The Lobster Pot Opens
During the 2021-22 season, the LCFC’s total intake of Southern Rock Lobster was approximately 210 tonnes, with Membership growing from 35 to 40 Members.
The LCFC takes on Jules von Stanke in the role of Finance and Administration Manager. Based at Port MacDonnell, Jules also goes on to become a key Member of the LCFC team with a new position of LCFC Manager, Systems & Processes being created for Jules in March 2024.
Membership Grows to 40

A complete refit and renovation was undertaken on the LCFC’s Beachport factory site, again with the bulk of the work being carried out by LCFC Members and their families, together with staff. The fit-out at Beachport was supported through generous funding assistance provided through the South Australian Government’s Regional Growth fund after the LCFC lodged a successful application and the significance of the LCFC’s business for regional South Australian and the Limestone Coast was recognised.
Beachport Renovation
Formal lease agreement for the LCFC’s Beachport live Lobster holding facility signed with the Reilly family.
Beachport Lease Signed
With the 2020-21 South Australian Southern Zone Southern Rock Lobster Fishing Season commencing on 15 September 2020 (season finishing on 31 May 2021), the LCFC receives its first catch through the doors of its newly completed Beachport holding facility from LCFC Member, and Beachport fisherman, William (Bill) Pegler.
The Beachport facility continues to serve as ‘depot’ for catch landed in the more ‘northern ports’ in the Southern Zone, with catch transported daily via truck down to Port MacDonnell where it is prepared for export, largely out of Tullamarine airport in Melbourne.
During the 2020-21 season, the LCFC’s total intake of Southern Rock Lobster was approximately 175 tonnes, with Membership growing from 24 to 35 Members.
First Catch Received at Beachport

During the 2022-23 season, the LCFC’s total intake of Southern Rock Lobster was approximately 260 tonnes, with Membership growing from 40 to 42 Members.
Lobster Intake Reaches 260 Tonnes
During the 2023-24 season, the LCFC’s total intake of Southern Rock Lobster was approximately 210 tonnes, with Membership being maintained at 42 Members.
Membership Numbers Maintained