Our Values

Our collective and diverse wealth or experience provides a core foundation for our success
We value each others active contribution

We value differences in Member backgrounds and opinions
We acknowledge that our Members have different lifestyle and financial circumstances, needs and wants

We are committed to supporting our members in whatever way we can through fluctuating markets and ask that Members support the Co-operative with their fish and involvement
We commit to our customers by doing what we say we will do

We are transparent in how we work
We acknowledge and own our mistakes

Licensed and approved exporters for live Southern Rock Lobster
Formed and registered in South Australia on 16 August 2018, the LCFC is a licensed Fish Processor in South Australia. We're also a DAFF approved exporter for live Southern Rock Lobster.
We have live lobster holding facilities in Beachport and Port MacDonnell, both of which are DAFF export-approved Registered Establishments. Our membership spans the seven fishing ports across the Limestone Coast.
Being 100% owned and operated by our fishermen and their families, our buyers purchase direct from our members. A distinct point of difference from other Rock Lobster exporters.

For fishers, their families and the coastal towns and communities in which they live
The LCFC is proudly owned and operated by local fishing families in the South East of South Australia.
We exist to secure a viable future for fishers and their families. Established as a positive and constructive response to the ongoing rationalisation and corporatisation of quota ownership and exporting capacity, the LCFC helps to mitigate the subsequent impacts of this on family-owned and operated fishing businesses.
Our structure provides a way for everyday fishing families to take a significant stake in their own industry for the future, and to retain control for themselves.
The LCFC works by working for its Members. Our membership base is our greatest strength.

Our Brand
Clean, strong and modern, our brand mark represents the core values of the co-operative; experience, loyalty, respect and honesty. Each circle is symbolic of the textures found in the everyday life of the LCFC members - rope, lobster, water and the cray pot. Each of these symbolic circles overlap, representative of the collective experience of the individuals and the cohesive unity that underpins the Limestone Coast Fishermen's Co-operative.